Monday, February 28, 2011

Ilmu Ekonomi dan Masalah Pokok Ekonomi

Ilmu ekonomi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari berbagai perilaku pelaku ekonomi terhadap keputusan-keputusan ekonomi yang dibuat. Ilmu ini diperlukan sebagai kerangka berpikir untuk dapat melakukan pilihan terhadap berbagai sumber daya yang terbatas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia yang tidak terbatas.

Sebagai contohnya, seperti yang kita ketahui bersama bahwa keinginan manusia akan suatu hal yang menjadi kebutuhannya tidaklah terbatas, hal ini bisa dilihat ketika seseorang hamper setiap harinya membeli suatu barang yang menjadi kebutuhannya, bahkan adapula orang-orang yang sering kali membeli sesuatu yang belum tentu bermanfaat untuknya. Dari sini dapat disimpulkan bahwa memang keinginan manusia itu nyaris tak terbatas.

Namun, bagaimana dengan sumber daya yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan barang atau kebutuhan yang tiap harinya dibutuhkan manusia ? Tentu dapat dipastikan bahwa semua itu ada batasnya dan bahkan dapat habis jika dieksploitasi terus menerus.

Contohnya ? Manusia secara normal tentu membutuhkan makan dan minum tiap harinya, dari sana dapat kita lihat bahwa kebutuhan akan makanan dan minuman amatlah penting, sehingga hal tersebut mengharuskan kita untuk bercocok tanam agar sumber makanan nabati terus ada, serta berternak dan bernelayan untuk mendapat makanan seperti daging.

Berarti kebutuhan manusia dapat diperbarui terus ? Ya tidak begitu juga, karena banyak hal yang tidak dapat diperbarui oleh manusia. Seperti bahan bakar berupa minyak, sampai saat ini sepertinya belum ada yang dapat memperbaruinya. Minyak tanah saja sudah diganti dengan penggunaan gas kan, dan mungkin nanti minyak seperti bensin pun akan habis.

Karena itulah diciptakan ilmu ekonomi, agar kebutuhan manusia akan suatu barang bisa dibatasi, tapi bagi yang memiliki kekayaan tentu berbeda ceritanya. Namun sebagai manusia kita harus bisa tetap mengambil keputusan secara bijak, karena sumber daya alam ini amatlah terbatas, jadi jangan diekspoitasi berlebihan, setidaknya perbarui yang bisa diperbarui kembali.

Berikutnya adalah metodologi, pada wikipedia metodologi sering disebut sebagai The queen of social sciences, ilmu ekonomi telah mengembangkan serangkaian metode kuantitatif untuk menganalisis fenomena ekonomi. Jan Tinbergen pada masa setelah Perang Dunia II merupakan salah satu pelopor utama ilmu ekonometri, yang mengkombinasikan matematika, statistik, dan teori ekonomi.

Kubu lain dari metode kuantitatif dalam ilmu ekonomi adalah model General equilibrium (keseimbangan umum), yang menggunakan konsep aliran uang dalam masyarakat, dari satu agen ekonomi ke agen yang lain. Dua metode kuantitatif ini kemudian berkembang pesat hingga hampir semua makalah ekonomi sekarang menggunakan salah satu dari keduanya dalam analisisnya. Di lain pihak, metode kualitatif juga sama berkembangnya terutama didorong oleh keterbatasan metode kuantitatif dalam menjelaskan perilaku agen yang berubah-ubah.

Ilmu ekonomi menaruh perhatian besar terhadap kemampuan memberi penjelasan dan prediksi atas gejala-gejala yang diamati. Misalnya, mengapa bila harga suatu barang naik, permintaan terhadapnya cenderung menurun. Selalukah demikian ?

Adapaun masalah pokok dalam keekonomian antara lain adalah :

1. Jenis barang dan jasa apa yang akan diproduksi ?
2. Bagaimana menghasilkan barang dan jasa tersebut ?
3. Untuk siapa barang dan jasa tersebut dihasilkan ?

Untuk menanggapi masalah ekonomi tersebut tentunya para pelaku ekonomi harus mengetahui solusinya, antara lain :

1. Barang apa yang akan diproduksi (What):
Ditentukan oleh hak memilih dalam nilai Rupiah yang dimiliki konsumen.

2. Bagaimana barang diproduksi (How):
Ditentukan oleh persaingan diantara produsen.

3. Bagi siapa barang dibuat (For Whom):
Ditentukan oleh pola permintaan dan penawaran di pasar atas faktor produksi.

Sebagai contoh, pertanyaan pertama dari masalah pokok ekonomi itu dikatakan adalah “What” dengan maksud barang atau jasa apakah yang akan diproduksi. Kita umpamakan saja sedang musim panas saat ini dan kita akan memproduksi dan menjual es buah segar, tentunya ada kemungkinan es buah segar ini akan banyak diminati karena ini musim panas.

Kemudian “How” yang mengartikan bagaimana barang dan jasa tersebut dihasilkan. Berhubung ini es buah segar jadi kita membuatnya dengan cara rumahan, tentunya kita membutuhkan kulkas dan buah-buahan untuk membuat es buah segar tersebut. Lain halnya dengan es buah yang ada dalam kemasan, mungkin es buahnya diproduksi menggunakan mesin untuk mengolah dan mengemasnya.

Terakhir adalah “For Whom” yang memiliki maksud untuk siapa barang atau jasa tersebut diproduksi. Karena kita membuat es buah segar tentunya bisa kita jual ke berbagai macam kalangan, dengan harga yang terjangkau maka banyak kalangan yang bisa membelinya. Berhubung ini musim panas, pasti banyak yang haus dan mencari minuman dingin dan segar tentunya. Namun di sini lah letak keuntungan yang bisa kita lihat, andai saja kita menjual es buah segar tersebut pada musim dingin, atau mungkin kita akan menjual pada daerah yang bersalju. Ya mungkin tidak akan ada yang mau membeli jika kita menjualnya seperti itu.

Jadi kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah, sebelum kita menjual suatu barang, kita harus perhatikan dahulu apa yang dibutuhkan para konsumen, dan mengapa barang yang akan kita jual nanti akan dibutuhkan konsumen. Mungkin saja barang yang sepele malah bisa dibutukan banyak konsumen, jadi kita harus memikirkan dan memprediksi dengan cermat.

Dahulu saja bahkan ada yang memiliki ide untuk menjual air mineral secara kemasan, ide tersebut dahulunya mungkin menggelikan dan banyak yang menertawakan, bayangkan saja air itu ada dimana-mana, untuk apa orang-orang harus mengeluarkan uang hanya untuk membeli air mineral.

Namun orang-orang yang menganggap ide tersebut menggelikan itu salah besar, dapat kita lihat sekarang, hampir setiap orang diperkotaan yang maju kini meminum air mineral yang diproduksi dan dijual itu. Mereka berpendapat bahwa air mineral tersebut tentu lebih baik, dan mereka tidak usah repot-repot lagi membawa-bawa air minum ketika berpergian ke tempat-tempat wisata dan sejenisnya. Karena di tempat-tepat tersebut sudah menjual air minum kemasan.

Jadi ketiga masalah pokok ekonomi tadi dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk para pelaku ekonomi. Dengan melihat dari segala sisi mengenai barang atau jasa yang akan diproduksi berserta manfaatnya, para pelaku ekonomi dapat mencari informasi dan juga memprediksi keinginan serta kebutuhan dari para konsumen.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kardashian Clan

Reality TV's Favourite Family...The Kardashian Clan Channels their inner PLuSHosity!

Beau Chapeau

For Your Oversized Pleasure!

PE Approved!

Red Tresses or Hot Messes?!?!

Seems like Rihanna is Channelling SideShow Bob Nowadays?!?!

La Perle Noir

Look Out for Design Label La Perle Noir {Latex} by Miss Shonie COMING SOON!!!

PE Approved!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tassja Dawn Release♡Party

{Click Image to Enlarge}

Set Fridays @ Loki

The VERY FIRST Single Release Party for New Single


"Mr. Black"

PE Will Be In Attendance! See You There!!!

Get► L.I.V.E ~ Held Exclusively @Ryerson University

Monday February 28 (1:00pm) - March 5 (1:30am)

L.I.V.E. Live to Inspire Via Education 6 Day Hip Hop Festival @Ryerson University

L.I.V.E. Live to Inspire Via Education Hip Hop Festival at Ryerson University is the FIRST-EVER, education-focused Hip Hop festival in Canada, entirely run by students.
Local and international artists and educators will treat attendees to captivating exhibits, live artistic demonstrations, thought-provoking discussions, a fashion show and concert.

L.I.V.E. groundbreaking event is open to EVERYONE. There is FREE ENTRANCE with canned/non-perishable food and/or clothing donation(s).

Special Guests Include:

DJ Ali Shaheed Muhammed (of legendary Hip Hop group, "A Tribe Called Quest")
Joell Ortiz
Ernie Paniccioli (pioneering Hip Hop photographer)
Master T
Michie Mee
Nomadic Massive
Joseph "Deadlee" Lee
Dalton Higgins
Mel Boogie
Jason Richards
Professor & Icon Ron Nelson
Ryerson Professor & Artist, David Brame
Mark V. Campbell
Dr. Andrew Dubois
Dr. Remi Warner
Griz on the Grind
Amanda Parris


REGISTER NOW at to secure a spot at any of the exciting events held during the week-long festival!

PLuSH Embassy will see you there!

A §ToOSH! Frame of Mind

Our Ultra PLuSH friend Ms Duke over @ SToOSH! is a Masterpiece Framework FAV of ours. When browsing the SToOSH Online Big Cartel PE, not surprisingly, fell in love with the SToOSH! Andy Warhol & Abu Dhabi Collections...

Abu Dhabi Collection
Andy Warhol Collection...


PE Approved☑

PLuSH 5☆☆☆☆☆ Gas Pumper

And the Cutest Gas Pumpin Award Goes 2...
Alani 'La La' Vazquez

My Empowoment ツ


EmpoWOMENt Tweet-a-Thon

“One Life, One Love, A Powerful You!”

Miami, FL, February 7, 2011 ---On March 8, 2011, Social Esquire will host a Tweet-a-Thon on from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, to celebrate women’s “EmpoWOMENt.” We will also be honoring the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, by raising awareness about issues effecting women globally.

International Women’s Day, celebrates the economic, political, and social achievements of women worldwide. EmpoWOMENt is an international grassroots initiative that encourages women to promote and embrace one’s own self-actualization by using positive thinking to make change, through growth that is self-initiated, and never ending.

Our goal is to donate a $1 to a local and international charity, for every tweet that includes "#empowoment" The local charity will be Honey Shine Mentoring Program (a program of Alonzo Mourning Charities,, and the international organization will be the Global Fund for Women ( Each organization supports women and girls, who are experiencing challenges and difficulties, at different points in their life and utilizes various resources to empower these women and girls to live their best lives.

Join us on March 8, 2011 on
for the EmpoWOMENt Tweet-A-Thon from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Please be sure to use hashtag “#empowoment” on that day.

Social Esquire is a team of successful and talented young female attorneys located in the South Florida. We organize exclusive events that bring together diverse groups of professionals, entrepreneurs, and the upwardly mobile. Each individual female attorney brings a touch of creativity and excellence that distinguishes this group from any other. Attorneys by trade, Social Esquires by heart, these dynamic women color outside the line, live outside of the box, and plan events beyond your expectations.


Rochelle Gapere, Partner

Social Esquire, LLC

(305) 588 - 7624

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Accentuating African♔Aesthetic in Fashion Illustration

These illustrations were done by, none other than, Vanity Fair Magazine's Fashion & Style Director MICHAEL ROBERTS who joined Vanity Fair as fashion and style director in 2006. He has also published four books of illustrations: The Jungle ABC (Callaway, 1998), Mumbo Jumbo (Callaway, 2000), Snowman in Paradise (Chronicle, 2004), and The Snippy World of New Yorker Fashion Artist Michael Roberts (L7/Steidl, 2005).


PE Approved!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

PLuSH Paparazzi► Inside the Hollywood Reporter

Halle Berry puts her admiring arm around Sir Sidney Poitier on the cover of The Hollywood Reporter 80th Anniversary Legends Issue.

THR features the 'biggest names in the business, both on screen and off, who have made a mark during our 80-year history.'

Halle and Sidney were recognized for being the first African-Americans to win Oscars for best actor and actress.

The covers celebrates those over the age of 80, but THR made an exception for Halle, 44,


PLuSH Profile►Tony Clomax Featured in XI MagOnline

It's always great to see family doing well in life and my uncle Tony out in NY is no exception.

So without further ado...

"The old adage, when one door closes another one opens has never been truer than in the case of writer, director and producer Tony Clomax.

Shortly after funding fell through on a film project, Clomax decided to keep himself busy by creating the web series entitled “
12-Steps to Recovery” about a newly-single man dealing with a difficult break-up. “I felt the need to do something to show investors I can be trusted with a million dollars to direct a film and felt a short was not enough,” said Clomax. But what started out as a small, online project has turned into a successful, funny and well-written show about relationships in New York City. “I wanted to write something that everyone could relate to,” said Clomax of his idea to write about dating. “I used a lot of my own experiences and those of my friends as a starting point,” and it ultimately paid off.

12-Steps to Recovery centers around Parrish Diaz (Kaleber Soze)- a recently-dumped man mourning the loss of his relationship- and his friends Blue (Stephen Hill) and Dani (Erika Myers), who try to snap Parrish out of his depression by setting him up on a dozen blind dates.

In his approach to creating online programming, Clomax made some rules for himself; the first being flexibility with the running time of the shows. “I didn’t create a time limit for episodes…as long as it’s worth watching, people will watch,” he states. Within each episode, Clomax also decided he’d “…introduce something and wrap something up…” and most importantly have at least two jokes per page. “If your audience watches for seven minutes and hasn’t laughed, then you’d better [have produced] a drama!”

Luckily for Clomax, the audience was laughing and loving every episode, and soon after the industry took note. After handing out promotional material for 12-Steps to Recovery at film festivals and following up with key people, the web series was picked up by the Black Broadcasting Network and can be seen On Demand wherever BBN is available. “I’m definitely thankful,” said Clomax. “By doing the web series I was invited to join the Writers Guild [of America]…it has allowed us to get on TV and it has definitely opened doors for other projects.”
Those new “opened doors” include collaborating with legendary funny-man Paul Mooney, who will be joining the 12-Steps cast as Parrish’s father. “Paul Mooney thinks my show is funny is exciting!” said Clomax. “I really look forward to working with him and directing him.” He has also been approached by others looking for tips on producing a successful web series. Together with producer Emelyn Stuart, Clomax is organizing a one-day seminar on web series’ from conception to production.

His number one piece of advice? “You have to pay to play. If you don’t invest in yourself why should anyone invest in you? If you’re not willing to spend some money to get quality production why should an investor do so? You have to do for self.” Clomax’s philosophy stems from seeing actors like Clint Eastwood and Sidney Poitier step behind the camera and take control of their careers. His admiration for Eastwood and Poitier and their work served as Clomax’s own inspiration to go to film school.

But Clomax doesn’t subscribe to the idea that everyone needs film school to be a filmmaker. He does, however, emphasize a need to learn the fundamentals whether it’s from a book or a seminar or a mentor, or the work won’t be the best quality.

“Especially people of color- we have to raise the bar,” adds Clomax, noting an outcry from the African-American community at yet another Oscar season with no nominations for Black actors, to which he replied, “but who deserved a nomination? There was nothing [Oscar-worthy] out [this year]!”

As for 12-Steps to Recovery, Clomax said, “I know how Season One is going to end. I know what’s going to happen with [Parrish’s] love life. The structure of the series has been created.”


PE Approved!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Amber Rose in YRB Magazine

Modern Day Marilyn Monroe

PE Approved!

Chanel Hiker Boots

PE Approved!

Chri§ette Michele in YRB Magazine

I Chrisette Michele's new CD Let Freedom Reign it's absolutely liberating!

"Freedom is believing that you deserve a significant placement in the grand scheme of the universe. Being number 1 in your individual race is your responsibility to your given cause. Listen for the signal, run the course and finish on top."
"The freedom to let go is as powerful as the freedom to love. Emptying the secret place we call our heart allows us new space for better and greater."

"I've looked in the mirror and said to that reflection, 'leave me alone would you?!' And it looked back at me and said 'I'm not your friend honey, I'm your life! As quiet as it's kept, I'm a brown-skinned Rock Star in my head. Nobody knows it but me."

PE Approved!

PLuSH 5 @ the 2011 Screen Actors Guild Awards

Top 5 PLuSH dresses goes to {in no particular order} ...

Claire Danes ^ in Louis Vuitton
Hailee Steinfeld ^ in Prada
January Jones ^ in Carolina Herrera
Kim Kardashian ^ in Marchesa
Mila Kunis ^ in Alexander McQueen

PE Approved!

BarCode Biznazz

Gwen Steffani fashion trailblazer sports a PLuSH technicoloured bar code coat in wintry weathersツ

PE Approved!

Khloe Kardashian in YRB Magazine

Khloe Kardashian Odom looks Hot Hot Hot in her new spread for YRB Mag!

Go Khloe, it's your birthday!!!

Photographer: Mike Ruiz

Stylist: Darius Baptist

PE Approved!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kerry Washington in LA Times Magazine

HAIR: Chuck Amos
MAKEUP: Sam Fine

Max Mara bodysuit: $625; silk skinny belt: $150, Philip Treacy hand-blocked disc in paper hat: $1,083,

Manish Arora cutout patchwork dress: $2,723, Alexandre Herchcovitch green platform pumps: $217,
Manish Arora sequin coat: $5,776,
Versace red gown with cutouts: $6,295, Alexandre Herchcovitch red platform pumps: $217,

PE Approved!